Friday, May 20, 2011

Castaways - Pre IMG

When Kim, Debra, and I decided we would buy Castaways from Bill Garrard, we were faced with, in our eyes, a pretty rough place. The bar had a soul though and a solid reputation for music. It was also on the water. That was nice. People could tie right up to the huge deck right out back and come grab some beers. We saw a lot of potential in those days.

We thought in our heart of hearts that the place just needed a makeover.  A new face on an old place.  We were right.  We just didn't know everything else it needed at the time.  To be honest, we didn't know all too much about the bar.  It sat across the inlet from Bistro Q, a waterfront restaurant Kim and I had been bartending.      Kim had brought along the regulars from Micawbers to the waterfront.  My employ at Bistro Q was like a last piece of a puzzle.   We always had a lot of fun working together.  The old family was back together. However great Bistro Q was, Bistro Q was closing and Kim and I wanted to extend our 7+ year bartending relationship.  We had to make the play for Castaways.  After all, we were friends with the owners girlfriend, Nancy.  She had been a huge part of the Micawbers family before she went on to bigger better things.  What could go wrong?

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